Monday, 8 October 2012

The reason I write Fanfiction.

Hello dearies,

I know it's been a while, I could explain but it's private and depressing so I won't bore you. I've been out of my usual internet circles of late so this is actually the first blog/vlog, since then.

Just to let you know I am part way through editing a vlog which should be up sometime this week I hope.

Anyway, today's topic; fanfiction.

Now most of you probably have an idea of what this is, and woe betide anyone who immediately jumps to 50 Shades of Grey cos that is the worst advert for fanfic in the whole of the universe. I mean really!!! Gah, I can't even - eugh! Why - just ew -no.

Sorry minor spaz, no right, fanfiction is writing using already established characters. Fanfic comes in many forms, there's shippers who write couples from shows, books films games etc, these are people invested in a relationship from their chosen place. Slash, which is usually the homosexual versions, and normally ones that aren't canon except to them, I have a couple of these cos I get angry at the universe when something obvious isn't shown *cough John and Sherlock cough* And then there's people who like to make up new adventures for the sake of it but love certain characters or cba to make their own up.

And then there's people who are published fanfiction writers, for instance ever read a world of warcraft book, assassins creed, doctor who...I could go on. These people write fanfiction but for the show, although not strictly cannon they don't change the relationships and history etc.

Now all this information is purely my interpretation, fanfiction does not have rules, that's the beauty of fandoms, people write because they love to, they love the characters or the universes whatever.

I write fanfiction. Some people knew this, others didn't well I have been writing it for about 4 years and I've been reading it a lot longer, published and internet based. I have a few pieces of my own work online and I write it for 3 main reasons;

1. I love the characters and their relationships (granted I do slash couples,)

2. I love to write and using pre-made characters that people are already invested in does make it easier and it does get read.

And 3. My life is boring. Well no, I just tend to escape through writing or reading because on screen romance is so much better than real life. It's easier to write a whirlwind romance using an established tv couple than trying to find and live one yourself.

Plus climbing mountains and throwing a magic ring into a volcano just isn't something you can get from a package holiday :P

So thats my small and hopefully informative blog today, if you're interested in fanfic there are many a site. But please please check the rating before you read it, if it's above pg-13 I'd be careful. Also find out what acronyms mean for instance if you don't want a risqué 18+ peice steer clear of PWP cos it means; and I apologise for the crude wording; Porn Without Plot.

Okay so that's my warning, key sites for fanfic are around I am a member of Livejournal (not just for ff) and many people use self naming really.

Any questions or whatever I can always be reached by email;

Speak soon my lovely readers